Our first real snow of the season.The sheep were licking the snow, but otherwise, it did not seem to phase them. And why should it? They are wearing their wool coats, bring on the snow !
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
My Sheep, Drawn by Bugs
My oldest grandson drew a picture of 2 of my sheep,Bide-a-wee Buttercup and her son, Cedar Pond's Barbarian.I am going to frame this drawing and hang it up on my wall. Thank-you Bugs !
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Bluebonnet Vickie & Her Mom
Bide-A-Wee Buttercup ( left ) and her lamb I have named 'Cedar Pond's Bluebonnet Vickie'. Bluebonnet Vickie is the daughter of Cedar Pond's Goth too.The lambs from Buttercup have all been large, grown quickly, and pleased me.I am keeping Vickie, and hope to continue many generations from Buttercup, a ewe from a Huntsberger ram.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Shadow Mountain Landon ~ New Ram
My new ram lamb,Shadow Mountain Landon from Mary Tonkin's flock, Shadow Mountain Jacobs.*
~photo courtesy of Mary Tonkin ~
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Daughter of Cedar Pond's Mara and Cedar Pond's Viking
Jacob Sheep yearling ewe, daughter of Cedar Pond's Mara & Cedar Pond's Viking.
I love her very strong 4 horns and her quirky face. I haven't named her yet, thinking of the name Tovah. The name Tovah sounds strong and feminine.I have high hopes for the lambs from her next year.
Update : I did name her Tovah and she has been a wonderful mama to her lambs. She is the mama of Cedar Pond's Toril and a new lamb I've not yet named.
Daughter of Swallow Lane Barnaby & Cedar Pond's Thora
This yearling ewe is the daughter of Swallow Lane Barnaby and Cedar Pond's Thora.
She broke her far left horn sparring with her siblings, but it is a strong horn, as all of her 4 horns, and is growing back out .
The lamb to the right in back of her is her sister born this year to their mom, Cedar Pond's Thora.
This is one of the friendliest sheep I have here. If you rustle a cracker wrapper she practically climbs you to check it out, and when the other sheep are keeping their distance from me, this ewe is following me around snuffling my hands and pockets.She is one of the sweetest sheep I have had in a long time.I haven't named her yet, thus far her registration papers read "Cedar Pond's ________".
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Goth The Ram & Thorin The Goat
Goth the ram and Thorin, the old goat.
They are separated by a livestock panel, but spend a lot of time nose to nose. Thorin seems to enjoy licking Goth's face, and Goth enjoys Thorin licking his face.Friendships have been based on less, so I guess this works for them. The ram and the goat, the Goth and Thorin. Although Thorin does not realize it, he is fortunate the livestock panel separates them. Fences really do make for good neighbors when you're talking about a ram & a goat. ( a wethered goat at that)
Friday, May 4, 2012
Lambs & Grandchildren
Lambs, cute,spotted, wiggly, wooly little lambs...
...how can you resist them?
By next spring these lambs will be grown. Within a few short years my granddaughters will be young women. Our days are fleeting.I hope my memories of these years remain, and my grandchildren remember them happily.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Sheep & Lambs SOLD ~ Thank-You Brandon
I have too many sheep for our property. It is time to sell a few, although I am reluctant about this, I love these sheep.

All ewes listed have been wormed & vaccinated.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Twin Lambs For Naomi !

Monday, March 12, 2012
New Lambs Make My Heart Happy !

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