Puppies are more active now. These pictures were taken November 18, 2008.

They are getting so big that Sienna is almost unable to nurse them laying down.

They excitedly eat their puppy chow now, no leftovers.

Miss Marple is very interested in them.

She is curious about the puppies. As you can see, the puppies are exposed to house cats and other dogs, as well as kitchen noises, ringing phones, pet cockatiel, and T.V.

They are more fun to watch and play with now.

The puppies are aware of activity and people outside their little puppy bed.

When it is nap time they ALL flop down and sleep deeply. I bet Moms with a lot of children wish all their kids would willingly nap at the same time!

Grandchildren hold the puppies.

Sisters hold sister puppies.

Aren't they cute ?
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