Thursday, December 3, 2009
Big Game Hunt! Bag A 4-Horned Ram,But Not Here~

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Valkyrie, Ewe of Many Horns

I love the diversity of horns, spots, wool type and texture my flock of Jacob Sheep provide. After having Jacob sheep for almost 20 years now I am still not tired of having them and look forward to 20 more years with this remarkable breed of sheep.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Swallow Lane Barnaby, My New Ram!

Barnaby seems to exemplify the most desired physical traits of a good Jacob Ram!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Red Dog Retrieves!

Friday, July 3, 2009
Wheelbarrow Baas

Oh, the sound of baas in the morning as the sheep await their feeding. If only this were the only time of the day this noise erupts. No, oh no! Every time they hear a wheelbarrow, and I mean EVERY time, they begin this cacophony of baas. Often, with hay in their mouths too.
Oh, the sheep , in their sheepy brains think, " I hear the wheelbarrow! Hay!!!! Baaaa!!!" And baa they do, as you can hear for yourself. Never mind their stomachs and mouths are full, the wheelbarrow is in motion! Kind of like the response a person gets with the sound of opening a candy package in the midst of a throng of children.
Enjoy our Wheelbarrow Baas!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My husband told the grandchildren the rest of him was in the bathroom behind his head..and they looked for the hindquarters! They are thankful Torque is no longer alive because they had reason to fear Torque, which is the number one reason he no longer lives!
Torque is the father of Cedar Pond's Goth, and Goth is still an average temperament ram. I would never trust him, but he does not trouble himself to try to kill me. As long as he remains a 'typical' ram, he does not need to worry about joining his father on the wall!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Goth's Daughters Venture Out...Wisconsin?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Cedar Pond'sVandal

born 4/9/2009 ( B013-09)
Cedar Pond's Goth ( D021-06) X bide a wee Chicory ( A087-06)

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Cedar Pond's Ruth

Cedar Pond's Goth ( D021-06 ) X Cedar Pond's Naomi (FF025-03)
born 2/4/2008

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Cedar Pond's Naomi

Cedar Pond's Naomi (FF025-03) born 2/19/01
( FF025-03)Cedar Pond's Abel (Co83-99) & Cedar Pond's Ruth( unregistered)
Ruth was just one of those sheep with a sweet personality, and possessed a fierce protective disposition regarding her young and her flock. Ruth would come along side any and all sheep in my flock who needed a protector. Think about it, a 50 pound ewe, protecting lambs and the outcast sheep from other sheep who were twice her size!
Eventually , Ruth produced the epitome of my ideal Jacob Sheep, her daughter Naomi. Perfect horns, disposition, and all around Jacob ideal. Here is Naomi...and I love her.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cedar Pond's Leah
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Cedar Pond's Abel
Maple Creek Joy
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Saying Good Bye to Ram Lamb

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Bunny Love
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cedar Pond's Vandal
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Jacob Lambs
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Sheep Midwifery, Good Friends & Neighbors
~ I have the best friends and neighbors....I hope for all of you such friends and neighbors. Dirt's family is wonderful in this kind of pinch! I call and they are home. Even though Lanny is sick, she grabs her girls and rushes right over. Bet and Anna help me corner Naomi, and while I hold her, Bet reaches into Naomi and feels out the situation. The lamb is big, and breech, but Bet is able to carefully manipulate the lamb into a good position and gently ease her out of Naomi. A big ewe lamb!
~At first, Naomi was tired and did not respond to her lamb. Oh no ! I am going away for the weekend and Hubby will have a bottle baby. I don't want a bottle baby. So we left the lamb and mom for a few minutes. When I came back, Naomi was cleaning her baby off....hip hip hooray!
"There are numerous breeds of multiple horned sheep throughout the world. Of the eighteen breeds mentioned by A.R. Werner in 'An Enquiry into the Origin of the Piebald or Jacob Sheep", thirteen of them are known to have the polycerate trait ( many horns ). Many of the spotted, horned breeds of Europe had become extinct by the turn of the 20th century." JACOB SHEEP IN AMERICA by Ingrid Painter
Blessings: Good friends, healthy lambs AND their mothers
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