Delilah, my half Jacob and half Romney ewe lambed 2 /26/2011.

Delilah gave birth to one ram lamb who is mostly black and is now sprouting 4 well spaced horns. Delilah lambed the same day in the same place as Cedar Pond's Thora. I am pretty sure Thora had triplets, but somehow she claimed only one ewe lamb and left 3 little ones milling about trying to nurse from a very confused Delilah.

Delilah claimed two little ram lambs and they are thriving.

Thora and her little ewe lamb. 2/26/2008 ~ I am bottle feeding the lamb neither claimed, and Cindy is doing very well.

Sassafras and her ram lambs. 2/21/2011

First lambs born here and doing well. Cedar Pond's Viking is the sire.

Bide-a-wee Buttercup and her ram lamb. Buttercup is also the mother of last years' Cedar Pond's Barbarian who is for sale. Look at the horns already sprouting from this lamb's head, first day of birth, OUCH ! Cedar Pond's Goth is the sire of this lamb.

Bide-a-wee Chicory and her twin ram lambs born 3/3/2011. Cedar Pond's Goth is the sire of these ram lambs, Chicory and her lambs are for sale.

They are so cute, it is too bad they grow up into rams. A person can only keep so many rams you know.Anyone interested in buying Chicory will get these handsome ram lambs with her, they can be registered and should be magnificent rams.

Cedar Pond's Mara and her wee little ewe lamb, born 3/3/2011. Cedar Pond's Viking is the sire. Mara has 5 horns, two have fused together making it look like she has 4 horns.

Bide-a-wee Chicory and ram lambs.

Cedar Pond's Valkyrie and her ram lamb, born 3/17/2011.
I see that you have been very busy at Cedar Pond. These pictures are so sweet.
ReplyDeleteSo many cute little faces...I wish I could have them all but alas still no fences :(
ReplyDeleteCongrates on the new additions.
Mildred, yes, very busy! I am going outside after I reply to you, to bottle feed one of my lambs. They grow up so quickly though I try to make time to just watch them and enjoy this time of the year when lambs leap and jump for the sheer joy of life.
ReplyDeleteKelsie, fences are a must, that's for sure. Good thing you can get your"fix' of lamb cuteness on-line. :)
Hi... I love sheep ent They adorible when they're lambs! My lambing didn't do well this year a whole lot of abortions.... Sad but we had 18 ewes and now we have #15! Fav ewe died and 2 others aswell. meant 2 have 33 lambs but only had 18! I get so frustrated but when u get lambs and they're good, the world seems to dance with smiles! Lol... I sound crazy don't I? But I suppose all farmers feel the same!